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PROMIS Smoking Item Banks
Please visit this website for more information about the instrument: PROMIS Smoking Item Banks
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expectancies for All Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expectancies for Daily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Coping Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for All Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Daily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Emotional and Sensory Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Negative Health Expectancies for All Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Negative Health Expectancies for Daily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Negative Health Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for All Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Daily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Negative Psychosocial Expectancies for Nondaily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Nicotine Dependence for All Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Nicotine Dependence for Daily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Nicotine Dependence for Nondaily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Social Motivations for All Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Social Motivations for Daily Smokers
PROMIS Bank v1.0 - Smoking Social Motivations for Nondaily Smokers
Find all measures by selecting 'Smoking' as the domain criteria or a specific item bank by entering the name in the Measure Name search field.
Disorder-specific classifications were assigned with respect to the overall collection of PROMIS measures. Use of individual item banks or short forms depends upon the study design or type of research involved unless additional guidance is noted.
NeuroRehab Supplemental - Highly Recommended:
Recommendations for Use: Indicated for studies requiring a measure of other clinical data. Recommended for Stroke and Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (CMD) studies.
Supplemental - Highly Recommended: Stroke, Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (CMD) in studies of psychosocial functioning, quality-of-life, outcome, and long-term adjustment studies.
Supplemental: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Chiari I Malformation (CM), Epilepsy, Friedreich's Ataxia (FA), Headache, Huntington's Disease (HD), Mitochondrial Disease (Mito), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Myasthenia Gravis (MG), Neuromuscular Diseases (NMD), Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy (DMD/BMD), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Parkinson's Disease (PD), Stroke, and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), and Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Exploratory: Cerebral Palsy (CP), Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy (DM), Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD), and Sport-Related Concussion (SRC)
*Headache specific subtest recommendations: Anxiety (Adult/Pediatric), Depression (Adult/Pediatric), Sleep (Adult)
Short Description of Instrument
The Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Alcohol Use Item Banks include coping expectancies, emotional and sensory expectancies, negative health expectancies, negative psychosocial expectancies, nicotine dependence, and social motivation for all smokers as well as daily and nondaily smokers.
The coping expectancies banks contain items that assess how smoking is used to cope with negative affect and how that can trigger smoking, and consequences of not smoking. The emotional and sensory expectancies banks contain items that assess the experiences that result from smoking like improved cognitive abilities, positive affective states and enjoyable sensorimotor sensations. The negative health expectancies banks contain items that assess the smoker's expectancies of smoking and quitting. It also includes items related to associated emotions. The negative psychosocial expectancies bank contains items related to disapproval from friends, family, and oneself, and social norms. The nicotine dependence bank contains items that assess nicotine tolerance, cravings, severity of nicotine withdraw, being tempted to smoke, and prioritizing smoking behavior. The social motivation bank contains items related to beliefs around smoking the impact of smoking on social situations and relationships. See List of Adult Measures for details.
PROMIS contains calibrated item banks with Likert style items for approximately 70 domains (e.g., anger, anxiety, depression, fatigue (Cella et al., 2010; Garcia et al., 2007), pain (Amtmann et al., 2010), physical function, satisfaction with social activities and roles, sleep/wake disturbance, and global health). It is part of the NIH goal to develop systems to support NIH-funded research supported by all of its institutes and centers. PROMIS measures cover physical, mental, and social health and can be used across chronic conditions.
The instrument is domain-focused (domains listed above) rather than specific to a particular disease; however, a disease-customized measurement approach can be utilized by choosing the PROMIS measures most relevant to the specific disease. For example, there would be extra time up front (compared to a standardized single measure) to select and agree upon appropriate CMD-specific items but would be worthwhile in the long term if other researchers studying CMD agree to use the CMD specific items identified.
See: PROMIS Domain Framework for pediatric and adult domains
Administration: Computer adaptive test (CAT)
Time: Variable but design based on item-response theory algorithms to minimize time.
Ages: Adults ages 18+.
Cost: No licensing or royalty fees for English and Spanish PROMIS measures used in individual research, clinical practice, educational assessment or other application. Translations in other languages are subject to a distribution fee. Permission is required for commercial use or integration into proprietary technology; see PROMIS Terms and Conditions of Use for details.
Available in Spanish and specific domains are available in multiple other languages; see PROMIS Translations for details.
Scoring and Psychometric Properties
Scoring: T scores for all scales.
In all cases, a high score means more of domain. For example, higher scores on the fatigue measures indicate poorer health whereas higher scores on physical functioning measure indicate better health.
Standardization Population: For most domains, T-scores relate to the US General Population. See PROMIS Calibrations Testing for further details regarding sample for specific ages and domains.
Scoring Manuals are available at: PROMIS Scoring Manuals
Psychometric Properties: Substantial qualitative and quantitative evidence has been gathered that supports the validity of PROMIS measures. More information about validation is available at: PROMIS Validation
Key References:
Cella D, Riley W, Stone A, Rothrock N, Reeve B, Yount S, Amtmann D, Bode R, Buysse D, Choi S, Cook K, Devellis R, DeWalt D, Fries JF, Gershon R, Hahn EA, Lai JS, Pilkonis P, Revicki D, Rose M, Weinfurt K, Hays R; PROMIS Cooperative Group. The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) developed and tested its first wave of adult self-reported health outcome item banks: 2005-2008. J Clin Epidemiol. 2010 Nov;63(11):1179-94.
See a list of primary citations for PROMIS measures here: Primary Citations for PROMIS Measures
Item Bank-Specific Primary References:
Edelen MO, Huang W, Stucky BD. Additional validity evidence for the PROMIS Smoking Assessment Toolkit. Addict Behav. 2016 Jul;58:80-4.
Edelen MO, Stucky BD, Hansen M, Tucker JS, Shadel WG, Cai L. The PROMIS Smoking Initiative: initial validity evidence for six new smoking item banks. Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Sep;16 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):S250-60.
Edelen MO, Tucker JS, Shadel WG, Stucky BD, Cai L. Toward a more systematic assessment of smoking: development of a smoking module for PROMIS®. Addict Behav. 2012 Nov;37(11):1278-84.
Hansen M, Cai L, Stucky BD, Tucker JS, Shadel WG, Edelen MO.
Methodology for developing and evaluating the PROMIS smoking item banks. Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Sep;16 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):S175-89.
Additional References:
Amtmann D, Cook KF, Jensen MP, Chen WH, Choi S, Revicki D, Cella D, Rothrock N, Keefe F, Callahan L, Lai JS. Development of a PROMIS item bank to measure pain interference. Pain. 2010 Jul;150(1):173-182.
Bruni O, Ottaviano S, Guidetti V, Romoli M, Innocenzi M, Cortesi F, Giannotti F. The Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC). Construction and validation of an instrument to evaluate sleep disturbances in childhood and adolescence. J Sleep Res. 1996 Dec;5(4):251-61.
Bruni O, Romoli M., Innocenzi M, Giannotti F, Cortesi F and Ottaviano S. Prevalenza dei disturbi del sonno in eth scolare. In: Di Perri R., Raffaele M., Silvestri R. and Smirne S. (Eds) 11 Sonno in ltaliu 1994. Poletto Ed., Milano, 1994 163-171.
Cella D, Yount S, Rothrock N, Gershon R, Cook K, Reeve B, Ader D, Fries JF, Bruce B, Rose M; PROMIS Cooperative Group. The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS): progress of an NIH Roadmap cooperative group during its first two years. Med Care. 2007 May;45(5 Suppl 1):S3-S11.
Garcia SF, Cella D, Clauser SB, Flynn KE, Lad T, Lai JS, Reeve BB, Smith AW, Stone AA, Weinfurt K. Standardizing patient-reported outcomes assessment in cancer clinical trials: a patient-reported outcomes measurement information system initiative. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Nov 10;25(32):5106-12. Erratum in: J Clin Oncol. 2008 Feb 20;26(6):1018. Lad, Thomas [added].
Katzan IL, Thompson N, Uchino K. Innovations in Stroke: The Use of PROMIS and NeuroQoL Scales in Clinical Stroke Trials. Stroke. 2016 Feb;47(2):e27-30.
Kobau R, Cui W, Zack MM. Adults with an epilepsy history fare significantly worse on positive mental and physical health than adults with other common chronic conditions-Estimates from the 2010 National Health Interview Survey and Patient Reported Outcome Measurement System (PROMIS) Global Health Scale. Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Jul;72:182-184.
Spruyt K, Gozal D. Pediatric sleep questionnaires as diagnostic or epidemiological tools: a review of currently available instruments. Sleep Med Rev. 2011 Feb;15(1):19-32.
Document last updated May 2024